What’s up guys? I talked about the fear of trying new food in my previous blog post, you remember. Did you know that there is also the opposite; desire to try new food! Let's look at these opposite poles…
Desire to Try New Foods: Neophilia

What’s up guys? I talked about the fear of trying new food in my previous blog post, you remember. Did you know that there is also the opposite; desire to try new food! Let's look at these opposite poles…
Today I will share with you my last post about Ayurveda. Don’t be sad, I will feed you with more content on nutrition and food! Different energies (“doshas”) have different properties in the Ayurvedic world. If you know your dosha,…
Ayurveda describes daily routines in addition to nutritional guidelines for physical, mental and spiritual health and a healthy life time. Today we will talk about our daily routines. What is the purpose of the daily routine? Ayurveda is based on…
My last post was about the energies in Ayurveda which we call "doshas." Keep going, today we will get to nutrition. There were three types of energy which were formed with the combination of two different elements; Vata (air and…
In my previous blog post I tried to stay serious and analyze the elements in Ayurveda in detail. :) As I have mentioned in my last post, elements create a combination of two among themselves and form three types of…
Elements in Ayurveda In the previous blog post, I tried to mention what Ayurveda is and what is the purpose of it. Ayurveda explains the body and organ system with the three states of being (“dosha”) in the human world…
Ayurveda, which comes from the Vedic culture of India and has a history of 5,000 years, is one of the oldest and traditional natural treatment systems in the world. I have been long thinking about writing on ayurveda for a…
Hello everyone! Today I will continue the history of the kitchen in this blog post. Where were we? I said that the widespread use of the cook stove enabled more "improved appliances" to enter the kitchen. Catherine Beecher (1800-1878), the…
Hi guys! How have you been? Hope you all do well. What comes to mind when you think of a kitchen? Eating, sitting, chatting, socializing... In this series of blog posts, I will talk about our kitchens. Would you like…