I’ll give you the recipe and preparation tips of lemon cheesecake, an exquisite summer dessert that I am extremely happy with making and eating.
There are many different ways to make lemon cheesecake. There are many recipes around but today you’ll make it Anıl Uzun style.
Today, I’m going to give you the most delicious and special recipe that’s a little hard to make, but you’ll not regret it. Let’s move on to the recipe.
Lemon cheesecake ingredients
For the base
280 grams biscuit
100 grams butter
160 grams hazelnut croquettes
For the sauce
1.5 cups of cold lemon juice (300ml)
1.5 cups of cold water (300ml)
20 grams corn starch
For the cream
300 grams mascarpone cheese
100 grams cream cheese
350 grams of cream
150 grams of yogurt
One of the challenges in cheesecake is to make the crunchy base. To prepare the base, put 280 grams of biscuit into a shredder for just a second. After that, melt 100 grams of butter on the stove. Add 160 grams or four hazelnut croquettes into the shredder but do not dust them. Pour the butter in. Take out the cake thin and spread the w paper on the bottom. You can cut the paper in the shape of your thin. Put the base in, and spread it with a spoon. Apply some pressure to make a firm base, put it in the freezer for at least 10 minutes.
Now, let’s prepare the delicious lemon sauce. Pour 1.5 cups of lemon juice into a mixing bowl and add 1.5 cups of water to break the lemon sour a little. Make sure that all liquid is cold because in the next step you’ll add corn starch which can form lumps if the mixture is not cold enough. Add the starch, whisk it slightly and set it aside.
For the cream, add 300 grams of mascarpone and drained mild cream cheese into a bowl. Mi for a while. Then pour 350 grams of cream on top, mixü and add 150 grams of yogurt to the bowl. Toss one cup of granulated sugar and gently whisk all the products in the bowl. After whisking, add the eggs. Grated two lemons in for a stronger lemon aroma in the cheesecake. Add three tablespoons of starch and vanilla into the mixture, stir gently and pour two cups of lemon juice, continue stirring.
Take the cheesecake base out of the fridge and pour the cream on top of it.
Here is a tip: pour the cream carefully to avoid forming air bubbles. Put the cheesecake in the oven and bake it at 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 150 degrees and cook it for 35 minutes. Take it out the oven and let it cool.
Bon Appetit!
Anıl Uzun