I am here to talk about turmeric. Turmeric is a magical spice that is very very good for your health. Turmeric has been used for health for thousands of years and also is one of the main ingredients in Ayurveda. …
The ultimate homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe with Anıl Uzun
Summer has sadly ended. Due to the pandemic, nobody had the summer they wanted in 2020. It seems like COVID-19 will spoil our holiday season as well. But we have faith and try to stay healthy to enjoy the…
How to make the perfect Bloody Mary
Classic Bloody Mary Recipe with Vodka The holiday season is about to start. Holidays mean “gathering-around”s and having fun with families and friends, but you cannot control the liqueur amount you take as your loved ones surround you during…
Three smoothies that will boost your immune system!
Times of Corona... You need to power yourself up. I have been very cautious with my diet when the pandemic broke out, but my anxiety keeps me down. So I want some power-ups. Supplements are also a choice,…